Harness Optimism and Resilience for Peak Performance
Through our value of OPTIMISM, we share with you the story of our founder:
Founder of Leading with Purpose
Laura G. Vargas
Leadership Developer
Executive Coach
Management Consultant

Laura's expertise areas include leading and succeeding in global organizations, building teams, implementing change at individual and organizational levels, and coaching. In addition to successfully running her own company for the last 15 years, Laura also has over 10 years of practical operational experience in global organizations. Her passion is to support leaders to lead with purpose and, in doing so, help create more inspiring organizations and deliver amazing results sustainably.
She is originally from Costa Rica and, after 10 years of studying and working in the USA, moved to Finland in 2000. She is a dual citizen of Costa Rica and Finland, and her language skills include Spanish (native), English (native/fluent), French (conversational), and Finnish (Yleinen kielitutkintotodistus, keskitaso).
She has been coaching as a leader since 1998 and is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) by the International Coach Federation (ICF). She is also a Results Certified Coach (NeuroLeadership Institute), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Certified practitioner, as well as a certified user of DISC, Workplace Big Five™, and Team Management Profile tools. Since 2012, she has actively pursued a keen professional interest: the practical application of insight about our brains to improve our performance, well-being and unleash own potential. She is currently also working on a Ph.D. on the subject of Sustainable Leadership.
Academic credentials
Neuroscience for Leadership Certificate and Applied Neuroscience Certificate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of Management (Massachusetts, USA)
MBA Entrepreneurship
F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College
(Massachusetts, USA)
BA Economics & International Development and Social Change
Clark University
(Massachusetts, USA)